Alexandra Tzanidou
Doctoral Trainee
I am an informatician by background and a really curious person by nature. I become excited when a conversation regarding advances in science and technologies arises, although I maintain a sceptical perspective about appropriate uses.
I endeavour to be involved with projects related to the inclusivity of modern technologies, as I do believe that technologies are still failing to serve the “for everyone” factor. Therefore, I decided to seize the opportunity and use my PhD research to understand how all these advancements could eliminate the disability of modern societies to serve all the citizens within them.
During my MSc in Applied Informatics, I worked on making open-source internal navigation smartphone applications accessible to people with visual impairments, while my MRes in Digital Civics offered to me the opportunity to understand how Participatory Geographical Information Systems can be utilised to enhance the inclusivity of decision-making procedures in Urban Environments.

Feel the Gap: Bridging the Gap between Inclusive Theatre and Technology