
Social Robot Designs as a Response to Community Issues

Self-Organised Learning Environments for Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Traveling Arts x HCI Sketchbook

Discover the Treasures of Lit & Phil

Tabletop role-playing for inclusive design: Imagining sustainable futures for ‘older adults’

Digital Approaches for Gathering Student Opinions in School

Human Building Interaction (HBI) and Design for Climate Change

Evaluating ActuAir: Building Occupants' Experiences of a Shape-Changing Air Quality Display


ERicar: Co-creating an antenatal care information resource with Czech-Slovak Roma women

EPSRC Northern Health Futures Digital Health Hub

Doodle Away: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Doodling

Civic Probes: a method for designing civic technologies with communities

Walking and Talking: Place-based Data Collection and Mapping for Participatory Design with Communities

Understanding occupants’ experiences in quantified buildings

Investigating Buddhism Practice during COVID-19 to Inform Design for the Online Community Practice of Faith

Smartphone Data and Public Health Emergencies: Understanding people’s attitudes to extracting personal smartphone data

HCI HAZOP: A systematic method to identify harms in socio-technical systems

UCX: Enhancing digital welfare public services with independent website augmentation

MyCareBudget: a wiki to help carers with Personal Health Budgets

Feel the Gap: Bridging the Gap between Inclusive Theatre and Technology

Rural informatics

Place-based approach for providing community mental wellbeing


ENACT: Learn Language Through Culture

EQUI-Food: Environmental Quality Impact On Urban Food Growing For Better Health And Well-being

Negotiating sustainable futures in communities through participatory speculative design and experiments in living

Investigating the Tradeoffs of Everyday Text-Entry Collection Methods

Exploring the Role of Paradata in Digitally Supported Qualitative Co-Research

Co-Teaching as a Form of Co-Design for Educational Technology

Exploring Experiences of Self-Directed Care Budgets

Investigating Daily Practices of Self-care to Inform the Design of Supportive Health Technologies for Living and Ageing Well with HIV

Human-GDPR Interaction: Practical experiences of accessing personal data

Ministry of Multispecies Communication at Hyper Island


StoryWeb: creating stories around climate change

More-than-human data interactions in the city

Web augmentation for food delivery platforms

Qualitative Secondary Analysis as an Alternative Approach for Cross-Cultural Design

Financial Technologies in the Cycle of Poor Mental Health and Financial Hardship

Older Adults as Critical Adopters and Resistors of Technology

Designing a Social Media-Based Peer Support System

Reconfiguration Strategies with Composite Data Physicalizations

Bedtime Window: Connecting Bedrooms of Long-Distance Couples

Creating a community panel to review HCI research proposals

Findings from a Longitudinal Situated Display Deployment

Curating Peer Support with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence

Training and Embedding Cybersecurity Guardians in Older Communities

IFRC climate:red virtual climate summit


Phone Grown: developing family-focused domestic ambient displays at home

Supporting the Northumbria Police and Crime Plan 2021 - 2025

fractured signals

GetPPE NCL: PPE for front-line health workers during COVID-19

Scenario co-creation cards: A tool for eliciting values

Learning from ethics in dementia research

ReFind: Design, lived experience and ongoingness in bereavement

Place-Based Policymaking and HCI

PIP Kit: Using lifelogging to support disability benefit claimants

Metro Futures: Co-designing the future of Tyne and Wear Metro

Rethinking technologies for domestic violence prevention work

Ambit: From creating spaces for civic discourse to creating resources for action

Configuring a framework for Project-Based Mobile Learning

Let's Talk Parks: creating collaborative spaces to envision and transform public parks services

Consumerist, mundane, and uncanny futures with sex robots

Un-authorised View: Leveraging volunteer expertise in heritage

Utilizing participant voice in volunteer training

When the civic turn turns digital: Designing safe and secure refugee resettlement

Unplatformed Design: Appropriating social media for coordinated participation

Effects of questionnaires in VR user studies

Designing for employee voice

Examining design choices for questionnaires in VR user studies

Choice-Point: Challenging perpetrators of domestic violence with interactive storytelling

Long-term motivation effects of deep player behavior models for dynamic difficulty adjustment

User perceptions of player substitution with Deep Player Behavior Models

Diversifying Community Radio: the creation of the Later Life Audio and Radio Co-operative

Connecting volunteers with community needs in Lebanon

IDEA-FAST: Identifying digital endpoints for fatigue and sleep for people living with chronic conditions


Immersive humanitarian escape room: Disseminating strategy in a new way

Tyne Fresh: Creating food democracy through a local food hub

It’s Our Future: putting young people at the centre of building their future

Involving Syrian refugees in design research: Lessons learnt from the field

Colorectal cancer screening prevention endoscopy and early diagnosis project (COLO-SPEED)

The complex dynamics of diverse practises at Maker Faire

WhatFutures: engaging youth volunteers using WhatsApp

Technologies for social justice: Lessons from sex workers on the front lines

Talking about chat apps at work in the Global South

Relations are more than bytes: Making smart cities with people at heart

Printer Pals: engaging with people living with dementia in a care-home setting

Older Voices: Supporting community radio production in later life using digital technologies

Navigating domestic violence service provision

Journeycam: Exploring experiences of accessibility and mobility among powered wheelchair users

Gabber: Collaboratively record and analyse audio conversations

Designing 360 media experiences for families living with dementia

HOPE for computing education: Supporting university-school partnerships

Automated general movement assessment for perinatal stroke screening in infants

Robust Cross-view Gait Identification with evidence: A Discriminant Gait Gan Approach

DemVR: a virtual reality hackathon for people living with dementia

Engaging the NHS workforce in real time

H2020 gE.CO Living Lab: Tools for generating commons

Not-Equal: Exploring social justice in the digital economy

Design and initial evaluation of an autism-specific health check for use with autistic adults in NHS primary care

Data:In Place: Making open data work for communities

Our Story: A participatory video app and workflow that can be used by anyone

Gig Academy: Developing 21st century skills through event-based learning

Micro:bit proxy lamps: using a lighting rig in the classroom


INTUIT Interaction design for trusted sharing of personal health data to live well with HIV

Sense Explorers: tools for children to transform the environment

Ticket to Talk: supporting families living through dementia

ThinkActive: keeping children fit using low-cost technology in a fun and engaging way

Sunblock: Distributed ledgers and decentralised energy in Sub Saharan Africa

Co-sleep: Designing a workplace based wellness programme around sleep deprivation

Sense my Street: A toolkit for data-driven change

Seamless Seams: Machine sewing shape-changing and colour changing threads


Cross-cultural learning across India and the UK

Enabling Ongoingness: Creating meaningful connections around death and end of life

App Movement: Enabling anyone, anywhere to create their own apps

Spokespeople: helping cyclists record incidents on the road

Make Place: an open-source mapping and survey tool

Jigsaudio: Drawing and talking about urban change

Bootlegger: Citizen filmmaking app


Intake24: A 24-hour dietary recall system

ThoughtCloud: situated digital feedback made easy

C-Card Condom Finder app

Empowering Hacks: challenging perceptions through DIY making

OurPlace: an app for learning about people and places


Family Rituals 2.0

Change Explorer: engaging people on planning decisions


PosterVote: a low-cost electronic voting system for communities and activists


FeedFinder app: TripAdvisor for breastfeeding


BinCam: designing for reflection and social persuasion to promote sustainable lifestyles


Ambient Kitchen