Andrew Monk
Visiting Professor
I am currently undertaking research into what people want from the technology in their homes. A particular interest is technology to maintain the independence of older people, e.g., banking for the over 80s, help with activities of daily living for people with dementia and mainstream assistive technology.
I have a long history in usability research, particularly lightweight methods for use by designers and videoconferencing. I am Professor of Psychology at York University, Director of CUHTec, and a Fellow of the British Computer Society. I was Chair of the British HCI Group from 1997-2001 and have been active in the ACM Sig CHI, being elected to the ACM CHI Academy in 2005.

Ambient Kitchen

Transitions in Digital Personhood: Online Activity in Early Retirement
2017 – CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '17)
Designing for Spontaneous and Secure Delegation in Digital Payments
2014 – Interacting with Computers
Relational approach to knowledge engineering for POMDP-based assistance systems as a translation, of a psychological model
2014 – International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Pay or Delay: The Role of Technology When Managing a Low Income
2014 – ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014)
Understanding Financial Practices: Experiences with ‘Eighty Somethings’ and the Underbanked
2014 – Enabling Empathy in Health and Care: Design Methods & Challenges Workshop
Questionable Concepts: Critique as Resource for Designing with Eighty Somethings
2012 – ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI'12)
Cheque Mates: Participatory Design of Digital Payments with Eighty Somethings
2012 – ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI'12)
Invisible Design: Exploring Insights and Ideas through Ambiguous Film Scenarios
2012 – Designing Interactive Systems (DIS)
Rapid specification and automated generation of prompting systems to assist people with dementia
2011 – Pervasive and Mobile Computing
N-backer: An auditory n-back task with automatic scoring of spoken responses
2011 – Behavior Research Methods
New approaches to banking for the older old
2011 – Digital Economy 2011: Digital Engagement