Ashley Adamson
Affiliated Faculty
I am a Professor in Public Health Nutrition at Newcastle University, and lead a research team in Public Health Nutrition Research with the Human Nutrition Research Centre, and the Public Health Improvement theme in the Institute of Health and Society. Through my work I seek to understand the complex relationships between the food environment, food choice, nutrient intake, physical activity, individual and socio-demographic characteristics and health outcomes. My research spans across the life course from the youngest young to the oldest old but has a particular focus on children, families and young people and food policy.
I am also the director of Fuse, UKCRC Centre for Translational Research in Public Health. Fuse is a member of the NIHR School of Public Health Research (SPHR). I am also a member of the Department of Health Public Health Research Consortium (PHRC). I was awarded Fellowship of the Faculty of Public Health through distinction in 2011 and an NIHR Research Professorship in 2012.