Colin Dodds
My work involves designing, developing and evaluating new and innovative education technologies to support learning within the creative arts. I work with a broad range of participants drawn from primary school, secondary school, FE, HE settings. My thesis focuses on designing systems to bring local community expertise into formal education settings. I created Remix Portal to enable local community musicians to help school children develop music mixing skills and ignite a passion for music.
Currently, I am lead software engineer on an Erasmus+ funded project which involves Open Lab working in collaboration with Newcastle University’s Education school and a range of international partners to explore language learning and cultural exchange between migrant and host nation communities.
Prior to joining Open Lab as a researcher I spent seven years lecturing in Music and Audio Engineering for the University of the Highlands and Islands.

ENACT: Learn Language Through Culture

IDEA-FAST: Identifying digital endpoints for fatigue and sleep for people living with chronic conditions