Louis Goffe
I am a Research Associate in public health improvement and my research interests are in understanding the mechanisms to create healthier and equitable environments.

Web augmentation for food delivery platforms

Web Augmentation for Well-Being: the Human-Centred Design of a Takeaway Food Ordering Digital Platform
2022 – Interacting with Computers
Public understanding of COVID-19 antibody testing and test results: A qualitative study conducted in the U.K. early in the pandemic
2021 – Social Science & Medicine
Effectiveness of personal letters to healthcare professionals in changing professional behaviours: a systematic review protocol
2021 – Systematic Reviews
The impact of school exclusion zone planning guidance on the number and type of food outlets in an English local authority: A longitudinal analysis
2021 – Health and Place
Appetite for Disruption: Designing Human-Centred Augmentations to an Online Food Ordering Platform
2021 – 34th British Human Computer Interaction Conference
Achieving long-term retention of GPs will require funding, support, and a reduction in workload demands
2021 – BMJ Opinion
Factors associated with vaccine intention in adults living in England who either did not want or had not yet decided to be vaccinated against COVID-19
2021 – Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics
Supporting a healthier takeaway meal choice: creating a universal Health Rating for online takeaway fast-food outlets
2020 – International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Management information systems for community based interventions to improve health: qualitative study of stakeholder perspectives
2019 – BMC Public Health
Feasibility of working with a wholesale supplier to co-design and test acceptability of an intervention to promote smaller portions: an uncontrolled before-and-after study in British Fish & Chip shops
2019 – BMJ Open
Feasibility and acceptability of a Takeaway Masterclass aimed at encouraging healthier cooking practices and menu options in takeaway food outlets
2019 – Public Health Nutrition
Sustainable Diets in the UK—Developing a Systematic Framework to Assess the Environmental Impact, Cost and Nutritional Quality of Household Food Purchases
2019 – Sustainability
The challenges of interventions to promote healthier food in independent takeaways in England: qualitative study of intervention deliverers’ views
2018 – BMC Public Health
Relationship between mean daily energy intake and frequency of consumption of out-of-home meals in the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey
2017 – The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Is the UK diet sustainable? Assessing the environmental impact, cost and nutritional quality of household food purchases
2017 – Irish Section Meeting. What governs what we eat?
Reducing the salt added to takeaway food: within-subjects comparison of salt delivered by five and 17 holed salt shakers in controlled conditions
2016 – PLoS One
Comparison of sodium content of meals served by independent takeaways using standard versus reduced holed salt shakers: Cross-sectional study
2016 – International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Frequency and socio-demographic correlates of eating meals out and take-away meals at home: cross-sectional analysis of the UK national diet and nutrition survey, waves 1-4 (2008-12)
2015 – International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Time-series models to quantify short-term effects of meteorological conditions on bumblebee forager activity in agricultural landscapes
2015 – Agricultural and Forest Entomology
Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of cooking skills in UK adults: cross-sectional analysis of data from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey
2015 – International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Research to support the evaluation and implementation of adult cooking skills interventions in the UK: pilot RCT with process and economic evaluations [ISRCTN 91580447]
2015 – Public Health Research Consortium
What Factors Drive Unhealthy Diet? Novel Analysis of Food Frequency Questionnaire Data using Canonical Correspondence Analysis
2013 – Society for Social Medicine 57th Annual Scientific Meeting
Using spatio-temporal modelling to predict long-term exposure to black smoke at fine spatial and temporal scale
2011 – Atmospheric Environment
Estimation of bumblebee queen dispersal distances using sibship reconstruction method
2010 – Molecular Ecology
Effects of land use at a landscape scale on bumblebee nest density and survival
2010 – Journal of Applied Ecology
Two Bee-Pollinated Plant Species Show Higher Seed Production when Grown in Gardens Compared to Arable Farmland
2010 – PLoS One