Muhammad Umair
Innovation Fellow
I come from an engineering background and worked as a software developer before moving to a more research-oriented role at Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute, South Korea. I did Ph.D. from Lancaster University as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie ESR on EU Horizon 2020 project AffecTech - Personal technologies for affective health.
My Ph.D. research focused on designing and evaluating interactive interfaces for affective health. In particular, I designed wearable technologies for affect awareness and regulation and evaluated them in everyday life. I used biosensing data to detect an affective state and translated them into changes in visual and haptic materials for awareness and regulation of affect. I have conducted participatory design in my research with interaction designers, biomedical engineers, and mental health professionals.
I have also been working as a Senior Research Associate on Chatty Factories project at ImaginationLancaster in Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts on data-driven design for a downhill bike racing company. I collaborated with race engineers, bike designers, and riders to produce visualizations to predict and understand which and why a bike setup is faster on a particular race track.
I have now joined CDC (Center for Digital Citizens) to work with Prof. Abigail Durrant on the Well Citizen theme exploring how data and digital technologies can help us live well.

Place-based approach for providing community mental wellbeing