Peter Glick
Interaction Designer
I have roles as a Human-Computer Interaction researcher and freelance IT consultant, with experience in healthcare, technology design, and Participatory Design. My current role is a Research Associate in Interaction Design (for Participatory Digital Health) at the School of Computing, Newcastle University, where I am contributing to the EPSRC-funded Northern Health Futures Hub (NortHFutures), focusing on developing participatory and collaborative research practices to advance digital health technologies.
I completed my PhD at the Open Lab in 2024, where my research centred on co-designing socio-technical interventions to enhance access to state-funded Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) for disabled citizens and their unpaid carers. This gave rise to the development of innovative technologies that support community and healthcare needs, exemplified by the co-creation of www.MyCareBudget.org, a digital tool now used by over 7,000 individuals worldwide.
I am actively collaborating with various organisations and have been involved in voluntary and community initiatives aimed at improving personalised healthcare services. My commitment to advancing healthcare technology is complemented by my ability to engage and empower communities in both academic and professional settings.

EPSRC Northern Health Futures Digital Health Hub

MyCareBudget: a wiki to help carers with Personal Health Budgets

Exploring Experiences of Self-Directed Care Budgets