Shichao Zhao
Doctoral Trainee
I am a PhD student within the Open Lab, Newcastle University. My research interest involves human computer interaction, digital cultural heritage (especially intangible cultural heritage) and interaction design.
Prior to my studies at Newcastle University, I lived in China where I completed my bachelor’s degree in Fine arts, as well as my master’s degree in Interactive Media at Zhejiang University. During the period of my studies, I used to be a Chinese ink painter during my undergraduate study, which was later followed by being a research designer at International Design Institute (IDI) of Zhejiang University. During this period, I gained an extensive background of academic research experience from working with communities such as Casio, Philips and Alibaba. The main projects which I focused on were artistic interaction design projects aimed for the elderly.
I aim to continue exploring my research interests through my current PhD in Computer Science in Open Lab, Newcastle University in which I intend to continue working on my ongoing research into using interactive digital media to support cross-cultural aesthetic appreciation of gestural intangible cultural heritage; and enhancing the appreciation of traditional Chinese painting using interactive technology.
An Analysis of How Interactive Technology Supports the Appreciation of Traditional Chinese Puppetry: A Review of Case Studies
2020 – Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation
A Methodological Reflection: Deconstructing Cultural Elements for Enhancing Cross-Cultural Appreciation of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage
2020 – Culture and Computing. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
An Investigation of What Factors Determine the Way in Which Customer Satisfaction Is Increased through Omni-Channel Marketing in Retail
2020 – Administrative Sciences
Exploring How Interactive Technology Enhances Gesture-Based Expression and Engagement: A Design Study
2019 – Multimodal Technologies and Interaction
An Analysis of Interactive Technology’s Effect on the Appreciation of Traditional Chinese Painting: A Review of Case Studies
2019 – The International Journal of New Media, Technology and the Arts
Cross-cultural Understanding of Chinese Traditional Puppetry: Integrating Digital Technology to Enhance Audience Engagement
2019 – The International Journal of Intangible Heritage
Supporting the Cross-cultural Appreciation of Traditional Chinese Puppetry Through a Digital Gesture Library
2019 – ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
Enhancing the Appreciation of Traditional Chinese Painting Using Interactive Technology
2018 – Multimodal Technologies and Interaction
Using Interactive Digital Media to Support Transcultural Understanding of Intangible Chinese Cultural Heritage
2016 – CHI 2016 Conference Workshop-Involving the CROWD in future MUSEUM experience design