Nataly Birbeck
Digital Civics Doctoral Trainee
I did an undergraduate degree in Sociology at Newcastle University, graduating in 2011. I used a Bourdieusian framework for my dissertation and focused upon the social implications of eating practices, looking specifically at vegetarianism. My research explored the notions of identity linked to vegetarianism and the forms of censure vegetarians experienced. I continued my research into vegetarianism during an MSc in Sociological Research at The University of Manchester, concentrating upon male vegetarians and gendered eating practices.
More recently I have worked as a Research Assistant in the Faculty of Health Sciences at York St John University. I have recently been involved in a project that explored the nature and prevalence of bullying in UK P.E. lessons. In addition to this, I helped to create a theatre production to encourage positive online behaviours in children and young people.
I am particularly interested in mental health challenges and how digital technologies can create a platform for individuals to interact and help those who need it.
Self Harmony: Rethinking Hackathons to Design and Critique Digital Technologies for Those Affected by Self-Harm
2017 – CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Reflexive Practices for the Future of Design Education: An Exercise in Ethno-Empathy
2017 – The Design Journal