Rachel Clarke
Senior Lecturer
I am an interdisciplinary design researcher working between interaction design, human-computer interaction (HCI), feminist science and technology studies (STS). My work focuses on the gendered politics of participatory design practice for design livelihoods in international development, socio-technical infrastructures of material resources and smart urbanisation in more-than-human worlds. My current research projects are funded by the British Academy, EPSRC and Research England. Projects include ISSRAR: Young Palestinians’ Sustainable Development, Visualising Ugandan Youth Futures and More than Human Data Interactions.
Prior to joining Open Lab, I was a Global Challenges Research Fellow at the Centre for International Development and CoCreate at Northumbria University.
I completed my PhD at Culture Lab, Newcastle University in 2014, working between the School of Computing and the International Centre for Cultural Heritage Studies, focussing on the role of socially engaged arts and craft for wearable IoT technologies with immigrant women’s social care groups. I trained in the visual and performing arts, collaborating with national and international theatre companies and arts organisations for over a decade prior to starting a research career.

MyCareBudget: a wiki to help carers with Personal Health Budgets

EQUI-Food: Environmental Quality Impact On Urban Food Growing For Better Health And Well-being

Negotiating sustainable futures in communities through participatory speculative design and experiments in living

Exploring Experiences of Self-Directed Care Budgets

Ministry of Multispecies Communication at Hyper Island

More-than-human data interactions in the city

Financial Technologies in the Cycle of Poor Mental Health and Financial Hardship

Older Adults as Critical Adopters and Resistors of Technology

Metro Futures: Co-designing the future of Tyne and Wear Metro

Situated Encounters with Socially Engaged Art in Community-Based Design
2016 – 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems DIS 2016
Re-configuring Participatory Media for Citizen Elders in Urban Planning
2016 – Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Media Architecture Biennale
Socially engaged arts practice in HCI
2014 – CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '14)
Understanding the experience-centeredness of privacy and security technologies
2014 – 2014 New Security Paradigms Workshop NSPW '14