Aare Puussaar
Visiting Researcher
My previous work involved spatial mobility – using computational methods to derive insights from raw data in order to understand human behaviour.
My current interests lay in understanding the relationship between data, information and knowledge. I am interested in exploring how can we configure technology to serve the needs of the citizens and how to provide people the tools to reclaim the ownership of their data.
All of this combines studies of sensor networks (IoT), personal informatics, urban science and data visualisation.

Data:In Place: Making open data work for communities

Sense Explorers: tools for children to transform the environment

Sense my Street: A toolkit for data-driven change

Make Place: an open-source mapping and survey tool

Making open data work for civic advocacy
2018 – Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
Neighbourhood Data: Exploring the Role of Open Data in Locally Devolved Policymaking Processes
2018 – Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
Enhancing Personal Informatics Through Social Sensemaking
2017 – CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Exploring the use of mobile phones during domestic tourism trips
2017 – Netcom