Rob Anderson
Senior Research Software Engineer
I have a background in computers and technology. My role in Open Lab is to design, build and deploy apps and websites for various research projects and to administer internal systems to help other researchers. I'm particularly interested in creating accessible and engaging interactions and experimenting with new technologies.
Some of my projects include:
- MozFest 2021 - The schedule interface for Mozilla Festival 2021
- Climate Red - An online climate conference hosted by the IFRC
- Iris Msg - An SMS donation platform for greek solidarity movements
- This website – Open Lab's public website
- Not-Equal Catalyst - A system for viewing project proposals backed by Trello and Google Forms
- - A global future-forecasting game ran through WhatsApp
- - A mapping platform for digital consultations
Away from the Lab, I enjoy designing and making my own games and experimenting with Raspberry Pis.
EPSRC Northern Health Futures Digital Health Hub
IFRC climate:red virtual climate summit
Metro Futures: Co-designing the future of Tyne and Wear Metro
Let's Talk Parks: creating collaborative spaces to envision and transform public parks services
Connecting volunteers with community needs in Lebanon
WhatFutures: engaging youth volunteers using WhatsApp
Gabber: Collaboratively record and analyse audio conversations
H2020 gE.CO Living Lab: Tools for generating commons
Not-Equal: Exploring social justice in the digital economy
Spokespeople: helping cyclists record incidents on the road
Make Place: an open-source mapping and survey tool
Design Implications for a Social and Collaborative Understanding of online Information Assessment Practices, Challenges and Heuristics
2024 – Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
Metro Futures: Experience-Centred Co-Design at Scale
2020 – CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Infrastructuring public service transformation: Creating collaborative spaces between communities and institutions through HCI research
2019 – ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
WhatFutures: Designing Large-Scale Engagements on WhatsApp
2019 – 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Gabber: Supporting Voice in Participatory Qualitative Practices
2019 – CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Spokespeople: Exploring Routes to Action through Citizen-Generated Data
2018 – Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '18)
Streets for People: Engaging Children in Placemaking Through a Socio-technical Process
2018 – Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings