Digital Sustainability

Human Building Interaction (HBI) and Design for Climate Change

Evaluating ActuAir: Building Occupants' Experiences of a Shape-Changing Air Quality Display


Rural informatics


EQUI-Food: Environmental Quality Impact On Urban Food Growing For Better Health And Well-being

Negotiating sustainable futures in communities through participatory speculative design and experiments in living

Ministry of Multispecies Communication at Hyper Island


StoryWeb: creating stories around climate change

More-than-human data interactions in the city

Findings from a Longitudinal Situated Display Deployment

IFRC climate:red virtual climate summit


Let's Talk Parks: creating collaborative spaces to envision and transform public parks services

When the civic turn turns digital: Designing safe and secure refugee resettlement


Immersive humanitarian escape room: Disseminating strategy in a new way

Tyne Fresh: Creating food democracy through a local food hub

Involving Syrian refugees in design research: Lessons learnt from the field

Not-Equal: Exploring social justice in the digital economy

Data:In Place: Making open data work for communities

Our Story: A participatory video app and workflow that can be used by anyone


Sense Explorers: tools for children to transform the environment

Sense my Street: A toolkit for data-driven change


BinCam: designing for reflection and social persuasion to promote sustainable lifestyles