Digital Social Innovation

Civic Probes: a method for designing civic technologies with communities

Walking and Talking: Place-based Data Collection and Mapping for Participatory Design with Communities

Feel the Gap: Bridging the Gap between Inclusive Theatre and Technology

Place-based approach for providing community mental wellbeing


Investigating the Tradeoffs of Everyday Text-Entry Collection Methods

Exploring the Role of Paradata in Digitally Supported Qualitative Co-Research

Exploring Experiences of Self-Directed Care Budgets

Human-GDPR Interaction: Practical experiences of accessing personal data


Qualitative Secondary Analysis as an Alternative Approach for Cross-Cultural Design

Financial Technologies in the Cycle of Poor Mental Health and Financial Hardship

Older Adults as Critical Adopters and Resistors of Technology

Creating a community panel to review HCI research proposals

Curating Peer Support with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence

IFRC climate:red virtual climate summit


Scenario co-creation cards: A tool for eliciting values

Learning from ethics in dementia research

ReFind: Design, lived experience and ongoingness in bereavement

PIP Kit: Using lifelogging to support disability benefit claimants

Metro Futures: Co-designing the future of Tyne and Wear Metro

Rethinking technologies for domestic violence prevention work

Ambit: From creating spaces for civic discourse to creating resources for action

Let's Talk Parks: creating collaborative spaces to envision and transform public parks services

Utilizing participant voice in volunteer training

When the civic turn turns digital: Designing safe and secure refugee resettlement

Unplatformed Design: Appropriating social media for coordinated participation

Designing for employee voice

Choice-Point: Challenging perpetrators of domestic violence with interactive storytelling

Diversifying Community Radio: the creation of the Later Life Audio and Radio Co-operative


Tyne Fresh: Creating food democracy through a local food hub

Involving Syrian refugees in design research: Lessons learnt from the field

Technologies for social justice: Lessons from sex workers on the front lines

Talking about chat apps at work in the Global South

Older Voices: Supporting community radio production in later life using digital technologies

Gabber: Collaboratively record and analyse audio conversations

H2020 gE.CO Living Lab: Tools for generating commons

Not-Equal: Exploring social justice in the digital economy

Data:In Place: Making open data work for communities


Sense my Street: A toolkit for data-driven change


App Movement: Enabling anyone, anywhere to create their own apps

Spokespeople: helping cyclists record incidents on the road

Bootlegger: Citizen filmmaking app


PosterVote: a low-cost electronic voting system for communities and activists


FeedFinder app: TripAdvisor for breastfeeding


BinCam: designing for reflection and social persuasion to promote sustainable lifestyles